Helpful Hints for Employees and Employers
EBA will always be available to answer any questions that you might have. Below is a list of some of our most frequent questions. Click on a link for an answer. If you have
Employee Questions
Frequently asked questions for Employees:
What do "voluntary benefits" mean?
Who pays for these benefits?
- Can these products be purchase on an individual basis?
- What products can be offered to me?
- How do I file a claim?
- How do I file a Wellness Claim?
- Can I make changes to my policy?
Employer Questions
Frequently Asked Questions:
- If I offer these benefits to my employees, are there any tax advantages for my business and/or my employees?
Is there a minimum participation requirement of my employees in order to offer these benefits?
- How do my employees get enrolled in these products?
How does the payroll deduction process work?
Human Resources
Frequently asked questions from HR departments and Plan Administrators:
How does the payroll deduction process work?
- I have a billing question, who do I contact?
- How do I remove an employee who has been terminated?
- Can I do my billing online?
- Plan Administrator Guide
Tips and Information
Below you will find additional helpful information on products and services supplied from EBA:
- How you can benefit from our WellCard
- My son was in an accident, what my benefits did for my family
- I've been diagnosed with a disease, what do I do now?
- New Cancer Assist Product unveiled!